7 Questions To Ask When Brainstorming Content Ideas For Marketing

Are you looking to start a new marketing campaign or boost your current one? You will soon realize that this can be harder than you think so here is a list of 7 questions to ask yourself to help brainstorm those content ideas for your marketing campaign.


  1. Have you done anything similar before?

Some people feel guilty for using an old idea but try to explore the topic from a different angle or provide a new set of actionable steps.

  1. Are there sufficient resources online?

You want to sound credible to your clients so you want to make sure that you have 100 percent accurate information to validate your marketing.

  1. Is there similar content elsewhere?

While it's fine to use similar topics and ideas as our producers, you should aim to make your version better in every single way. You are able to do this by incorporating additional visual elements, updating old data, etc.

  1. Can you offer original views and add value?

To keep from repeating everything that other publishers are already sharing, try to give your own view or perspective and add value with actionable steps on how you can help your audience,

  1. Can you be more specific?

If you have a unique topic, try to break it up into smaller pieces to focus on individually and to keep your audience coming back for more.

  1. Do you have the best content type in mind?

If you want to stay relevant, try exploring new content types like visual infographics and data visualizations.

  1. Will it come with a catchy headline?

You want to craft a captivating headline that is searchable, audience-oriented and compelling. Try to aim from eight to twelve words using numbers and power words like “secrets” to make the headline more interesting.

*Courtesy of Smallbiztrends.com


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