Decluttering Tips for your Home

Having a cluttered space can skew your perspective and cause unconscious anxiety. Working or living in a clean area, free of clutter, can be refreshing and inspiring.  However, tackling the task can be intimidating and have you wondering where to begin. Start small! Rome was not built in a day and it is unlikely that you will get your whole house or work space organized and decluttered in a day – and that’s okay!

There are some great methods out there to help you declutter your home. Here are some of them:

The Four-Box Method – As you go through each area of your home, use four boxes to determine where your items will go. Each box should be labeled: “trash, give away, keep, and relocate.” Place each item in a box and do not pass over any items. Consider each item individually.

Make a list – A good old-fashioned list can help keep you on track. Write down which rooms need to be decluttered and start with easiest one.

Does it work? – Many of us will hold onto items for sentimental reasons, or we keep telling ourselves we will fix it and just never get around to it. Get rid of it!

Commit – Once you have decluttered your home – commit to keeping it decluttered. Whether it is spending 5 minutes a day cleaning up or making sure you put everything back in its place at the time of use. You can also make it a habit to get rid of five items every time you clean.

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