Running an Efficient Marketing Campaign (What You Want To Know Wednesdays)

Your email list of clients is one of your strongest marketing tools. This is your chance to connect with your clients and keep yourself fresh on their minds. You’ll want to provide information that is useful and not frustrating. Use these tips to avoid being lumped into the spam category.

Don’t start with a hard sell – No one likes a hard sell, especially if your client signed up for your email list for a free product or service.

Focus on being helpful – provide useful and helpful information. Constantly trying to sell yourself and your services can make those on your email list ignore you. However, if you supply useful information, your clients will start to trust you.   They might even forward on your information to their friends and family.

Mix up your emails - Stay interesting by mixing up your content and templates.

Be genuine and honest - Be transparent about your successes and failures.

Make your emails something to look forward to – People will stick with information that is genuine and helpful.

Be clear about your goals – Be clear that you want to help people, even if you are trying to tell them a product. If you are trying to get affiliate signups, be clear that, that is what you are doing.

Put yourself in the subscriber’s position - Why do you choose to join email lists? What is interesting content to you? What will make you unsubscribe? Take what you enjoy and put your own twist on it.


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